Monday, August 18, 2008

The Quest

Summer wanes.

I have been busying myself with all those projects that I put off unil the summer, the annual to-do list that accumulates during the course of the academic year: install a kitty door in the mudroom so the cats have access but the dog stays out of the cookie jar, er, litter box; build shelves for the den an actually use them to organize the chaos so it looks a little less like my mind exploded all over the room; hang the bulletin board that has been stowed in the basement for the last two years to the same end; sort out all the clothes that the kids no longer fit into, et al., et al.).

Then there are the little prepatory tasks: buying, organizing, and labeling all the kids' supplies and gear for preschool; writing and revising my syllabus for the upcoming semester; getting my IRB paperwork in order so I can begin my research . . . all the usual shifting toward Fall.

Then, of course, the harvest. Our garden overfloweth. It overfloweth all over my kitchen. So begins my quest. I seek


I have tried so many, and I have my Aunt Tweety's recipe which always tastes wonderful, but I'm ready to take it to the next level. Zucchini bread nirvana. Squash ascension. Spicy-sweet bliss.

Or maybe I ask too much from a quick-bread.

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